

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Society is the Bad Guy

Atticus Finch decided to do the right thing and defended an African American person who had been accused of raping a white woman. Scout asked Atticus, "Atticus, are we going to win it?" Atticus said, "no honey." Scout then asked, "then why?" Atticus finally replied, "simply because we were licked a hundred years before we started is no reason for us not to try to win."

Atticus knew he was going to lose far before the trial started because he knew the jury was going to be prejudice about it, but he did the right thing while everyone else did the wrong thing. As Atticus predicted, the jury convicts Tom despite the significant evidence that Atticus defended, and hadn't the jury and the general public been racist about the issue, Atticus probably would have won the case. That is what should have happened


  1. Good job Lucas you really described the part of the book where Atticus finch tried to defend Tom Robinson. I think that Tom Robinson didn't do anything wrong but Bob Ewell was the one who got him in trouble. I would have loved if Atticus Finch had won the case and defended Tom Robinson but either way Bob Ewell was killed so that's good.

  2. I like how you point out how Atticus is the hero instead of the villain. After all, even if Atticus didn't do the trial, someone else would have had to, and they would have been hated for it as well. In life, I wonder if you ever get anything back from doing the dirty jobs?

  3. Atticus did take the moral high road. It would have been immoral for him not work hard to defend Tom even though he already knew the outcome. It would have also been immoral for him to refuse to represent him at all. It took a lot of courage to do the moral thing.
