

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Blog 2: History Blog

        "Just what did he do, Cal?"

        Calpurnia sighed. "Old Mr. Bob Ewell accused him of rapin' his girl an' had him arrested an' put in jail-"

        This is related to the time during which it is based because, this is one prime example of how black people would always be the target and the one to be arrested and firs one to be accused of something just because of their skin color.

        What was happening was Tom Robinson as accused of rape and is now put on trial for something that he may or may not have done.

        Whats wrong is how black people are always the target for stuff, what if he didn't even rape Mayella and maybe a white man did and is just blaming him because its just "easier" that they would have more suspicion of a black man than a white man.

        What should've happened is that whoever the real person who did it should turn their self in because you did something wrong and you know it but now you're going to get in even more trouble because you accused and set up someone else.

        This is even happening in the news today with black men raping a girl or with the police being racist and shooting black people because of "something" they did. What you don't hear a lot about is white men crimes, I mean you hear some but you hear more about black men crimes because the world today still wants you to think hat black people are the target and the enemy and the ones to blame.

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